
Saturday, August 23, 2008

FagHag Profiling 1

Some say she was the party girl of Bangsar,

or should I say she was its party girl long before

the place became everyone’s desired address.

She could entice boys like nobody’s business,

I was told, but then again her ancestry’s part Serani

and therefore its in her blood to let her hair down

while she rides some mythic horse bareback into parties.

Or is it her blood which attracts boys like flies?

Shanon Shah



It’s all too dark;

even the stars are hardly shining.

But the rays from your heart

have always made light of my sadness,

especially when we’re together.

I’m an astronaut who’s seeing

space for the first time:


and to think, this lonely universe

has for so long now excluded

my tiny heart. Even the moon

and stars displaced

have only now begun

to shine again.



I met Shanon a few years ago at an excellent Fado concert in the city. He’s as friendly as his tunes in his last album. This “poem” is a nonliteral translation of two stanzas of his song “Angkasawan” (Astronaut).


Friday, August 22, 2008

Another Fictional Brother

I have one more curious brother. By day he’s like
any of us; by night, he’s to be found on the streets around
Central Market out on a manhunt for any kind

of migrant worker who bothers to return the smile on
his hankering lips. These men he seeks read like some
exotic list of entrées: South Indian, Arab, Burmese, Thai,

Vietnamese…. They are straight, but for a hot meal,
some undivided attention and the chance to bonk any
willing hole, they’d be more than glad to feed any

ageing queen’s bedroom fantasy. I am told a few even
fall in love with him, demanding that they’d be his boyfriend.
But my brother isn’t interested in unrepatriated love:

he says he’s in it for the foreign foreplay and their easily
aroused dicks, and not for some dickhead who believes
he should play the role of surrogate wife or girlfriend.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

About a Friend's Blog Pix:

While I love your re-reading of the Adam/Eve story, I think it’s a bit solipsistic to think that God would create two, mutually incompatible, versions of Paradise. So long as you’ve to create an alternative Eden I’m afraid your vision of gay life would always remain an alternative lifestyle (choice), and therefore remain peripheral.

Perhaps Adam and Steve could be incorporated into the original Edenic vision (it’s Sumerian I believe): they could be the ones tempted by the evil couple Adam/Eve and then turn on themselves (which would fit the bill of two bitchy queens quarrelling as ex-lovers). Or, better still in a postmodern context, they could be living quite peacefully with everyone else that inhabits the land.

Perhaps they could be two modern DJs spinning tunes for the Garden Party or a bunch of economists trying to squeeze the last cent out of the national budget to keep the myth of a capitalist Paradise afloat, while everybody else eats of the Tree of Knowledge and so are condemned to a less-than-heavenly life about them.

Here’s another one: since in the original narrative Adam and Eve are condemned to a life of drudgery and loneliness, how about having Adam and Steve toil amidst today’s homophobia and distrust by making them discover their sexuality with women? Hey, wait a minute, that actually happens in real life!