
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Don't Pelorian

Years ago I had a friend who used to go around
spewing the phrase Don't pelorian, somethiong she’d
decided to adopt from one of those cutesy Japanese
pencil boxes so much in the vogue in the 80s.
What the words meant, nobody knew.

These days I too feel like some unknown,
made-up language. I ve just broken up with a boy
who’s made me happy these last three months.
One day he decided to casually tell me
he’d also a girlfriend in some town or other.

I refused to call him or return his calls
for a week after that. When he finally got to speak
with me the other day, I nonchalantly told him
I too had found new love. I lied about some guy
in some unnamed suburb in Selangor.

I’ve been feeling out of sorts. He has not
called since. Every time I pick up the phone
I find myself mumbling some incoherent words.
Last night he finally called and asked how I was.
My answer to him was simply: Don't pelorian.

I found this on the net at "Peloria : A botanical term, meaning regularity or symmetry of structure occurring abnormally in flowers normally irregular or unsymmetrical. That is, it's normality in something that's supposed to be weird. So the phrase "Don't Pelorian" would mean don't be normal when you're supposed to be abnormal." Deep!


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